Before rezoning can be analysed,
zoning should be understood. Zoning is the set of laws that should be followed
to control the land use. Zoning is the regulation of a piece of land and the
rules that apply to the land. Zoning tells if a particular land can be
residential or commercial or industrial etc.
Why change zones?
If there is an opportunity of making
better use of the land, rezoning can be done under certain conditions. Petitions
are required to have the law changed. There can be opportunity in converting a
residential area into a commercial one. A house can be converted into an office
if it is more lucrative.
How to change zoning?
It is easy said than done. Zoning is
a difficult and costly process. The difficulty of the process depends on the
location of the property. It is not certain that the demands put forward will
be accepted or not. Conversion in some areas is not an easy task. Different
cities can be having different zoning laws. Sometimes it is easy to get pass
all hurdles, all the other times it can be a tiring process resulting in achieving
nothing. Legislative approvals or political concerns can also be the reason for
a slow and vague process. Generally, the following things should be kept in
mind when thinking about rezoning.

Take a good look on the property
It is not enough to ask the court to
rezone just because someone wants to. The petitioner should have solid argument
to convince the judge to decide in their favour. The request of the rezoning
should be justified with definite reasons such as any change in the local
dynamics, new road and population growth etc.
Local rules should be considered
Before a petition it is necessary to
learn the local rules of the area or the city. It should be known that the area
or property under consideration fall under which category. The local planning
and development department can help the applicant a lot. They can make certain
recommendations that can lead to wanted results.
Ask the neighbours
The most difficult hurdle in way of
rezoning can be the neighbours. It is not possible to keep motives hidden from
the people next door. The best approach is to talk to them and convince them
and try to hash out any concerns they might have regarding this rezoning. It is
a primary step.
Apply for rezoning
On applying for rezoning, there are
forms to fill and bills to pay. The planning department requires a lot of
things to carry out the process. It might include surveys, maps and a lot many
other things.
Staff scrutiny
The planning staff that will analyse all
that is requested should be dealt with care. The applicant should take active
part in the analysis of the application. The property should be shown to the staff
and all their concerns should be addressed calmly. The applicant can revise his plans in order to
remove the concerns of the staff.
Plan Commission meeting
After the analysis the request goes
to the planning commission. Their recommendation to the local governing body
decides much. In the public meeting the applicant has to answer all question to
enter the next phase.
Legislative body meeting
After the commission meeting, the case goes to
the legislative body. The applicant has to make a strong case there. In the
other case he might have to wait for a year or so. the process can be time
taking and a test of patience. The rules of that state make the case less or
more complicated.